Baby Name Rankings of Joanne

Joanne: Statistics About The Baby Name Joanne

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2000*** 9432260.0114%
1999*** 9802100.0108%
1998*** 8922360.0122%
1997*** 8352480.0130%
1996*** 7902630.0137%
1995*** 7432750.0143%
1994*** 7342840.0146%
1993*** 6603370.0171%
1992*** 6733270.0163%
1991*** 5823970.0195%
1990*** 5604190.0204%
1989*** 5084610.0232%
1988*** 5154290.0224%
1987*** 4674660.0249%
1986*** 4694570.0248%
1985*** 4205250.0285%
1984*** 4165100.0283%
1983*** 3915610.0314%
1982*** 3676310.0348%
1981*** 3476730.0377%
1980*** 3447010.0394%
1979*** 3147580.0440%
1978*** 3157290.0444%
1977*** 2719160.0557%
1976*** 2499440.0601%
1975*** 2181,1310.0725%
1974*** 2021,2560.0802%
1973*** 1971,2990.0836%
1972*** 2081,3430.0833%
1971*** 1891,6510.0943%
1970*** 1701,9510.1066%
1969*** 1572,0780.1179%
1968*** 1542,1290.1246%
1967*** 1472,3330.1359%
1966*** 1322,7270.1554%
1965*** 1213,1500.1724%
1964*** 1163,5720.1826%
1963*** 1143,8550.1940%
1962*** 1144,0120.1980%
1961*** 1024,6090.2222%
1960*** 994,8760.2345%
1959*** 925,3380.2569%
1958*** 805,9200.2868%
1957*** 945,1060.2435%
1956*** 994,6650.2266%
1955*** 884,9850.2488%
1954*** 785,4280.2727%
1953*** 715,8720.3046%
1952*** 785,3540.2815%
1951*** 735,3480.2901%
1950*** 675,4970.3127%
1949*** 615,7460.3276%
1948*** 655,4920.3154%
1947*** 576,0670.3341%
1946*** 575,5030.3418%
1945*** 534,6130.3427%
1944*** 574,5080.3302%
1943*** 495,2650.3677%
1942*** 485,3450.3841%
1941*** 544,6570.3741%
1940*** 544,4240.3746%
1939*** 534,2220.3723%
1938*** 574,2490.3724%
1937*** 514,3330.3934%
1936*** 484,3010.3993%
1935*** 454,5610.4199%
1934*** 454,5440.4201%
1933*** 563,7170.3556%
1932*** 623,7230.3366%
1931*** 683,7560.3407%
1930*** 813,1550.2707%
1929*** 1012,4940.2156%
1928*** 1401,6540.1385%
1927*** 1811,1570.0936%
1926*** 2069440.0768%
1925*** 2636360.0504%
1924*** 3064770.0368%
1923*** 3593400.0272%
1922*** 4222490.0200%
1921*** 4532340.0183%
1920*** 4712080.0167%
1919*** 5791440.0123%
1918*** 5381710.0142%
1917*** 6381140.0102%
1916*** 6251170.0108%
1915*** 727840.0082%
1914*** 765570.0072%
1913*** 731520.0080%
1912*** 851350.0060%
1911*** 884240.0054%
1910*** 820280.0067%
1908*** 897200.0056%
1907*** 883190.0056%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.