Baby Name Rankings of Jimena

Jimena: Statistics About The Baby Name Jimena

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 4776390.0365%
2022*** 4936360.0356%
2021*** 4806480.0364%
2020*** 5125900.0335%
2019*** 4726590.0362%
2018*** 4467120.0386%
2017*** 4067720.0412%
2016*** 4008290.0430%
2015*** 4566900.0357%
2014*** 4387250.0374%
2013*** 4536670.0349%
2012*** 4746400.0333%
2011*** 4357140.0372%
2010*** 4007960.0410%
2009*** 3918030.0401%
2008*** 3987990.0389%
2007*** 5255870.0282%
2006*** 4726610.0321%
2005*** 3868010.0402%
2004*** 4646320.0318%
2003*** 5195410.0271%
2002*** 5484980.0253%
2001*** 8732610.0132%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.