Baby Name Rankings of Jerrold

Jerrold: Statistics About The Baby Name Jerrold

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1976976730.0045% ***
1975853950.0059% ***
1974864860.0053% ***
1973890810.0050% ***
19727781050.0063% ***
19717041370.0076% ***
19706181720.0090% ***
19696831330.0073% ***
1968813830.0047% ***
1967763920.0052% ***
19666921140.0063% ***
19657331020.0054% ***
19647001220.0060% ***
19637281160.0056% ***
19627361090.0052% ***
19617291110.0052% ***
19607361100.0051% ***
19596901230.0057% ***
19586791250.0058% ***
19576221510.0069% ***
19565621820.0085% ***
19554722400.0115% ***
19543853440.0166% ***
19533983080.0154% ***
19524102830.0143% ***
19514092760.0145% ***
19504442240.0123% ***
19495191650.0092% ***
19485111650.0093% ***
19474911880.0102% ***
19464601910.0116% ***
19454771570.0115% ***
19445101410.0102% ***
19434771690.0117% ***
19424531850.0131% ***
19414511700.0136% ***
19404791450.0122% ***
19394531620.0143% ***
19385191250.0110% ***
19374861370.0125% ***
19365431120.0105% ***
19355221220.0114% ***
19345381200.0113% ***
1933590970.0095% ***
1932613940.0088% ***
1931604960.0090% ***
19306141000.0089% ***
1929745720.0065% ***
1928959510.0045% ***
1927931550.0047% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.