Baby Name Rankings of Jerrie

Jerrie: Statistics About The Baby Name Jerrie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1962*** 9571230.0061%
1960*** 9681220.0059%
1958*** 9061280.0062%
1957*** 8721370.0065%
1956*** 9731080.0052%
1955*** 9041180.0059%
1954*** 8591220.0061%
1953*** 7801380.0072%
1952*** 8371200.0063%
1951*** 8581090.0059%
1950*** 8341100.0063%
1949*** 7831220.0070%
1948*** 7411310.0075%
1947*** 6601610.0089%
1946*** 6141660.0103%
1945*** 6471290.0096%
1944*** 6161410.0103%
1943*** 6361420.0099%
1942*** 5751650.0119%
1941*** 6141320.0106%
1940*** 6401220.0103%
1939*** 6241180.0104%
1938*** 6491120.0098%
1937*** 742840.0076%
1936*** 742810.0075%
1935*** 849660.0061%
1934*** 901580.0054%
1933*** 844630.0060%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.