Baby Name Rankings of Jermaine

Jermaine: Statistics About The Baby Name Jermaine

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20199942100.0110% ***
20188492590.0134% ***
20178222710.0138% ***
20168382690.0133% ***
20157623120.0154% ***
20147303250.0160% ***
20137383140.0157% ***
20126563580.0178% ***
20115644420.0220% ***
20105854260.0209% ***
20095654630.0221% ***
20085015380.0250% ***
20074785550.0255% ***
20064745510.0256% ***
20054495630.0270% ***
20044595570.0268% ***
20034405690.0273% ***
20024485490.0267% ***
20014365540.0269% ***
20004445370.0258% ***
19994345360.0263% ***
19984295380.0266% ***
19974415050.0253% ***
19964265280.0264% ***
19954185410.0269% ***
19944275330.0262% ***
19933636500.0315% ***
19923496790.0324% ***
19913367260.0343% ***
19903078290.0386% ***
19892978210.0392% ***
19882947830.0392% ***
19872598590.0441% ***
19862419540.0498% ***
19852061,1560.0602% ***
19841701,5730.0840% ***
19831651,5610.0839% ***
19821681,6090.0855% ***
19811611,6790.0904% ***
19801491,8050.0976% ***
19791801,3370.0748% ***
19781881,2510.0734% ***
19771721,3740.0805% ***
19761641,4240.0874% ***
19751751,3190.0814% ***
19741511,6270.0999% ***
19731272,0370.1264% ***
19721361,9520.1167% ***
19712331,0170.0561% ***
19706231700.0089% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.