Baby Name Rankings of Jeramy

Jeramy: Statistics About The Baby Name Jeramy

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19898551380.0066% ***
19887731490.0075% ***
19876731850.0095% ***
19866841740.0091% ***
19857531390.0072% ***
19847231440.0077% ***
19837891220.0066% ***
19826541750.0093% ***
19816111940.0104% ***
19805672310.0125% ***
19795732240.0125% ***
19785742120.0124% ***
19775872060.0121% ***
19765282340.0144% ***
19756331630.0101% ***
19746331610.0099% ***
19736971320.0082% ***
1972817960.0057% ***
1971863890.0049% ***
1970983680.0036% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.