Baby Name Rankings of Jensen

Jensen: Statistics About The Baby Name Jensen

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20233011,1080.0605% ***
20223031,1000.0590% ***
20213031,0870.0584% ***
20203021,0990.0596% ***
20192861,1920.0624% ***
20182931,1880.0616% ***
20173389990.0509% ***
20163659030.0448% ***
20153967830.0386% ***
20143957830.0386% ***
20134376560.0328% ***
20125095160.0257% ***
20116083990.0198% ***
20107273130.0154% ***
20098322580.0123% ***
20089991920.0089% ***
19989671430.0071% 9862040.0105%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.