Baby Name Rankings of Jefferey

Jefferey: Statistics About The Baby Name Jefferey

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1984947870.0046% ***
1983994790.0042% ***
1977984760.0045% ***
1976975730.0045% ***
1975910810.0050% ***
1974842910.0056% ***
1973809950.0059% ***
19727201230.0074% ***
19717411220.0067% ***
19707221300.0068% ***
19696661400.0077% ***
19687461000.0056% ***
19676801200.0067% ***
19667161080.0059% ***
19656931160.0061% ***
19647341100.0054% ***
19637301150.0056% ***
19626981210.0058% ***
19617461070.0050% ***
1960860780.0036% ***
1959871770.0036% ***
1958814850.0040% ***
1957883740.0034% ***
1956902680.0032% ***
1955909670.0032% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.