Baby Name Rankings of Jeannine

Jeannine: Statistics About The Baby Name Jeannine

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1984*** 9781470.0082%
1983*** 8301850.0104%
1982*** 9061670.0092%
1981*** 8441850.0104%
1980*** 8141970.0111%
1979*** 7892010.0117%
1978*** 6832320.0141%
1977*** 6902270.0138%
1976*** 5942700.0172%
1975*** 5323240.0208%
1974*** 5013510.0224%
1973*** 4813710.0239%
1972*** 4414320.0268%
1971*** 3955480.0313%
1970*** 3876070.0332%
1969*** 4494570.0259%
1968*** 4634290.0251%
1967*** 4324720.0275%
1966*** 3945340.0304%
1965*** 3815770.0316%
1964*** 3866200.0317%
1963*** 4175360.0270%
1962*** 4015730.0283%
1961*** 3916020.0290%
1960*** 3786370.0306%
1959*** 4304920.0237%
1958*** 4534410.0214%
1957*** 4444460.0213%
1956*** 4424300.0209%
1955*** 4394160.0208%
1954*** 3924880.0245%
1953*** 4034450.0231%
1952*** 3974350.0229%
1951*** 4363700.0201%
1950*** 4543180.0181%
1949*** 4323370.0192%
1948*** 4273430.0197%
1947*** 4343530.0194%
1946*** 4383120.0194%
1945*** 4482530.0188%
1944*** 4552550.0187%
1943*** 4612570.0179%
1942*** 4392750.0198%
1941*** 4292550.0205%
1940*** 3952930.0248%
1939*** 3663200.0282%
1938*** 3513360.0294%
1937*** 3363480.0316%
1936*** 3004150.0385%
1935*** 3143960.0365%
1934*** 3453350.0310%
1933*** 3133940.0377%
1932*** 3034360.0394%
1931*** 3034450.0404%
1930*** 2585940.0510%
1929*** 1721,1820.1022%
1928*** 3214230.0354%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.