Baby Name Rankings of Jeanne

Jeanne: Statistics About The Baby Name Jeanne

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1990*** 9611950.0095%
1989*** 8902070.0104%
1988*** 8492110.0110%
1987*** 8042180.0116%
1986*** 7482320.0126%
1985*** 6422890.0157%
1984*** 5963010.0167%
1983*** 5613240.0181%
1982*** 4944120.0227%
1981*** 4864300.0241%
1980*** 4934190.0236%
1979*** 4664310.0250%
1978*** 4144900.0298%
1977*** 3815540.0337%
1976*** 3725570.0355%
1975*** 3237030.0451%
1974*** 2898260.0528%
1973*** 2888440.0543%
1972*** 2749440.0586%
1971*** 2351,2710.0726%
1970*** 2031,5840.0865%
1969*** 2191,3740.0780%
1968*** 2101,4260.0834%
1967*** 1981,6120.0939%
1966*** 1771,8630.1062%
1965*** 1652,1520.1178%
1964*** 1562,4640.1259%
1963*** 1442,8030.1410%
1962*** 1423,0150.1488%
1961*** 1383,3290.1605%
1960*** 1293,5050.1685%
1959*** 1293,5180.1693%
1958*** 1233,6080.1748%
1957*** 1173,9470.1882%
1956*** 1123,9080.1898%
1955*** 1153,7340.1864%
1954*** 1123,7690.1894%
1953*** 973,8480.1996%
1952*** 983,8280.2013%
1951*** 983,7600.2040%
1950*** 953,7350.2124%
1949*** 923,8620.2202%
1948*** 953,7870.2175%
1947*** 864,3640.2403%
1946*** 834,0360.2507%
1945*** 982,8540.2120%
1944*** 1082,4940.1827%
1943*** 1132,4210.1691%
1942*** 1192,2890.1645%
1941*** 1252,0600.1655%
1940*** 1291,9290.1633%
1939*** 1471,5520.1369%
1938*** 1481,5490.1357%
1937*** 1481,5000.1362%
1936*** 1411,5340.1424%
1935*** 1331,6580.1526%
1934*** 1311,7610.1628%
1933*** 1251,8260.1747%
1932*** 1122,1290.1925%
1931*** 982,5220.2288%
1930*** 922,7130.2328%
1929*** 922,8210.2438%
1928*** 902,8790.2411%
1927*** 853,1600.2557%
1926*** 883,0540.2485%
1925*** 893,2260.2555%
1924*** 903,1440.2426%
1923*** 903,0370.2425%
1922*** 972,9180.2340%
1921*** 1092,5940.2029%
1920*** 1142,2790.1833%
1919*** 1291,8190.1549%
1918*** 1261,8450.1534%
1917*** 1661,2130.1080%
1916*** 1761,0510.0969%
1915*** 1988260.0807%
1914*** 2086140.0773%
1913*** 2274500.0689%
1912*** 2413480.0595%
1911*** 2412650.0602%
1910*** 2602180.0521%
1909*** 2492020.0550%
1908*** 2821550.0438%
1907*** 2811560.0463%
1906*** 3081190.0380%
1905*** 3061220.0394%
1904*** 3081090.0373%
1903*** 336870.0313%
1902*** 366770.0275%
1901*** 375630.0248%
1900*** 384760.0239%
1899*** 351720.0291%
1898*** 406580.0212%
1897*** 357670.0270%
1896*** 413490.0194%
1895*** 394510.0206%
1894*** 424430.0182%
1893*** 402450.0200%
1892*** 517280.0124%
1891*** 409370.0188%
1890*** 480300.0149%
1889*** 522240.0127%
1888*** 584190.0100%
1887*** 544170.0109%
1886*** 470220.0143%
1885*** 617130.0092%
1884*** 490180.0131%
1883*** 553130.0108%
1882*** 549120.0104%
1881*** 521110.0111%
1880*** 507120.0123%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.