Baby Name Rankings of Jeanna

Jeanna: Statistics About The Baby Name Jeanna

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1988*** 9661720.0090%
1987*** 8751940.0104%
1986*** 8401980.0107%
1985*** 8112020.0110%
1984*** 7682100.0117%
1983*** 8161880.0105%
1982*** 8261900.0105%
1981*** 8321880.0105%
1980*** 7022410.0136%
1979*** 7202320.0135%
1978*** 6512490.0152%
1977*** 6922260.0138%
1976*** 7102060.0131%
1975*** 7252030.0130%
1974*** 7202000.0128%
1973*** 6662230.0144%
1972*** 6402390.0148%
1971*** 6082810.0161%
1970*** 5842990.0163%
1969*** 6422380.0135%
1968*** 6632120.0124%
1967*** 6792020.0118%
1966*** 6582140.0122%
1965*** 7411820.0100%
1964*** 7391980.0101%
1963*** 7212020.0102%
1962*** 7511900.0094%
1961*** 9601260.0061%
1960*** 9161340.0064%
1959*** 8681410.0068%
1958*** 9351220.0059%
1956*** 9371160.0056%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.