Baby Name Rankings of Jeanie

Jeanie: Statistics About The Baby Name Jeanie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1982*** 8861720.0095%
1981*** 8781740.0097%
1980*** 7992040.0115%
1979*** 9121630.0095%
1978*** 8371770.0108%
1977*** 7422070.0126%
1976*** 7411980.0126%
1975*** 6792200.0141%
1974*** 6512340.0150%
1973*** 6642240.0144%
1972*** 6472360.0146%
1971*** 6202720.0155%
1970*** 6272700.0147%
1969*** 6302500.0142%
1968*** 6492230.0130%
1967*** 6522160.0126%
1966*** 6692110.0120%
1965*** 6622220.0122%
1964*** 6022760.0141%
1963*** 5423180.0160%
1962*** 5153580.0177%
1961*** 5133600.0174%
1960*** 4913940.0189%
1959*** 4754160.0200%
1958*** 4424630.0224%
1957*** 4164990.0238%
1956*** 4284540.0221%
1955*** 4484000.0200%
1954*** 4324060.0204%
1953*** 3964590.0238%
1952*** 4184140.0218%
1951*** 4144080.0221%
1950*** 4183650.0208%
1949*** 3784270.0243%
1948*** 4023930.0226%
1947*** 3884200.0231%
1946*** 3973650.0227%
1945*** 4362720.0202%
1944*** 4212910.0213%
1943*** 4572600.0182%
1942*** 4642520.0181%
1941*** 4162750.0221%
1940*** 4352450.0207%
1939*** 5331560.0138%
1938*** 5881380.0121%
1937*** 5451500.0136%
1936*** 5901250.0116%
1935*** 5311480.0136%
1934*** 5971210.0112%
1933*** 5601300.0124%
1932*** 701940.0085%
1931*** 723870.0079%
1930*** 700970.0083%
1929*** 799780.0067%
1928*** 770870.0073%
1927*** 753920.0074%
1926*** 865740.0060%
1925*** 866740.0059%
1923*** 865720.0058%
1896*** 856150.0060%
1894*** 923120.0051%
1893*** 990100.0044%
1892*** 934110.0049%
1891*** 818120.0061%
1890*** 97290.0045%
1889*** 870100.0053%
1888*** 99080.0042%
1887*** 676120.0077%
1886*** 750100.0065%
1885*** 98160.0042%
1884*** 704100.0073%
1883*** 78570.0058%
1882*** 85360.0052%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.