Baby Name Rankings of Jaylon

Jaylon: Statistics About The Baby Name Jaylon

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20129971980.0099% ***
20119082210.0110% ***
20107493000.0148% ***
20096313910.0187% ***
20085984140.0192% ***
20075564550.0209% ***
20064795380.0250% ***
20054805100.0244% ***
20044236090.0293% ***
20034275990.0287% ***
20023996450.0313% ***
20014195990.0291% ***
20004305650.0271% ***
19994555050.0248% ***
19984894450.0220% ***
19975543490.0175% ***
19966032950.0147% ***
19956892370.0118% ***
19947611930.0095% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.