Baby Name Rankings of Jaylin

Jaylin: Statistics About The Baby Name Jaylin

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2020*** 8663100.0176%
2015*** 9332880.0149%
2014*** 9172910.0150%
20139212200.0110% 7423640.0191%
20127782890.0144% 7573640.0189%
20117832830.0141% 7093870.0202%
20106613610.0178% 6134740.0244%
20094745710.0272% 6184830.0241%
20085215140.0239% 5905210.0253%
20074605900.0271% 5625310.0255%
20064416110.0283% 6284520.0220%
20054366010.0288% 6554150.0208%
20044126220.0299% 6634070.0205%
20034076340.0304% 6454100.0206%
20023886700.0326% 7902970.0151%
20014854720.0229% 8622640.0134%
20004615110.0245% 8712530.0127%
19995104160.0205% ***
19985883250.0161% ***
19976592490.0125% ***
19966632490.0124% ***
19957941830.0091% ***
19949071450.0071% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.