Baby Name Rankings of Jaylen

Jaylen: Statistics About The Baby Name Jaylen

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20232701,2400.0677% ***
20223191,0490.0563% ***
20213181,0340.0556% ***
20203201,0320.0560% ***
20193389910.0519% ***
20183429710.0503% ***
20173439850.0502% ***
20163728900.0441% ***
20153459880.0487% ***
20143181,0820.0533% ***
20132901,1950.0597% ***
20122571,4220.0708% ***
20112061,7120.0851% ***
20102031,7960.0883% 9062860.0147%
20091752,2100.1054% 8863070.0153%
20081842,1290.0990% 8573220.0157%
20071932,0620.0946% 8693160.0152%
20061912,0520.0952% ***
20051941,9500.0934% ***
20042041,7680.0850% 9622450.0123%
20032031,8100.0867% ***
20022151,5940.0775% ***
20012381,4250.0691% ***
20002241,5120.0726% ***
19992939790.0481% ***
19983497580.0375% ***
19974804510.0226% ***
19964954260.0213% ***
19955213850.0192% ***
19945443570.0175% ***
19936672380.0115% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.