Baby Name Rankings of Jax

Jax: Statistics About The Baby Name Jax

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20232871,1550.0631% ***
20222731,2610.0677% ***
20212431,4440.0776% ***
20202461,4190.0770% ***
20192371,5910.0834% ***
20182141,7510.0908% ***
20172221,7070.0869% ***
20162151,8060.0895% ***
20152141,8490.0912% ***
20142091,8360.0905% ***
20132231,6690.0834% ***
20123051,1150.0555% ***
20113199860.0490% ***
20103488750.0430% ***
20094266650.0317% ***
20086923380.0157% ***
20078132590.0119% ***
20069951820.0084% ***
20059791730.0083% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.