Baby Name Rankings of Javon

Javon: Statistics About The Baby Name Javon

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20179682130.0108% ---
20169512180.0108% ---
20158622590.0128% ---
20147782950.0145% ---
20137463070.0153% ---
20127293170.0158% ---
20116014060.0202% ---
20105654420.0217% ---
20094945470.0261% ---
20084476210.0289% ---
20074127000.0321% ---
20064107060.0328% ---
20054046910.0331% ---
20044056340.0305% ---
20034515560.0266% ---
20024046240.0303% ---
20013587380.0358% ---
20003717030.0338% ---
19994135690.0280% ---
19984205510.0272% ---
19973965920.0297% ---
19964175420.0271% ---
19954165430.0270% ---
19944504980.0245% ---
19934424970.0241% ---
19924994060.0194% ---
19914854150.0196% ---
19905353420.0159% ---
19895822800.0134% ---
19886352240.0112% ---
19876641900.0098% ---
19866751770.0092% ---
19857141530.0080% ---
19848101160.0062% ---
19837621290.0069% ---
19828201170.0062% ---
19818691040.0056% ---
19808851020.0055% ---
1979902940.0053% ---
19788431030.0060% ---
19778201080.0063% ---
1976931810.0050% ---