Baby Name Rankings of Javion

Javion: Statistics About The Baby Name Javion

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20199492240.0117% ***
20189582150.0111% ***
20178432610.0133% ***
20168542620.0130% ***
20159012400.0118% ***
20148102790.0137% ***
20138172630.0131% ***
20128542470.0123% ***
20117253110.0155% ***
20106813450.0170% ***
20096064200.0200% ***
20085734450.0207% ***
20076143960.0182% ***
20066443530.0164% ***
20056962900.0139% ***
20047042690.0129% ***
20038142130.0102% ***
20027942160.0105% ***
20019741570.0076% ***
20009481600.0077% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.