Baby Name Rankings of Jasmin

Jasmin: Statistics About The Baby Name Jasmin

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2016*** 9572820.0146%
2015*** 8853090.0160%
2014*** 6904070.0210%
2013*** 6424350.0228%
2012*** 5155870.0305%
2011*** 4217340.0382%
2010*** 3469190.0473%
2009*** 2831,1520.0575%
2008*** 2241,4890.0724%
2007*** 2031,6660.0799%
2006*** 1831,9150.0931%
2005*** 1821,8700.0939%
2004*** 1801,8690.0941%
2003*** 2011,6510.0828%
2002*** 1831,7530.0892%
2001*** 1871,7530.0888%
2000*** 1931,6390.0824%
1999*** 1981,5670.0807%
1998*** 1771,7060.0882%
1997*** 1871,6030.0841%
1996*** 1891,5830.0827%
1995*** 1841,6000.0834%
1994*** 1731,7540.0901%
1993*** 1861,5540.0789%
1992*** 2111,3530.0676%
1991*** 2201,2720.0626%
1990*** 2311,2170.0593%
1989*** 2511,0740.0540%
1988*** 2808870.0462%
1987*** 2988120.0434%
1986*** 3446980.0379%
1985*** 3766020.0327%
1984*** 4594530.0252%
1983*** 5533310.0185%
1982*** 5303680.0203%
1981*** 5263640.0204%
1980*** 5383490.0196%
1979*** 5663230.0188%
1978*** 6762360.0144%
1977*** 6782300.0140%
1976*** 8421630.0104%
1975*** 9831250.0080%
1974*** 8311590.0102%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.