Baby Name Rankings of Jarvis

Jarvis: Statistics About The Baby Name Jarvis

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20079012180.0100% ***
200610001810.0084% ***
20059371830.0088% ***
20049821670.0080% ***
20038911880.0090% ***
20029591660.0081% ***
20018142030.0098% ***
20007652170.0104% ***
19997002390.0117% ***
19986912440.0121% ***
19976352660.0133% ***
19965933030.0151% ***
19955923000.0149% ***
19944554820.0237% ***
19934674510.0219% ***
19924904190.0200% ***
19914285210.0246% ***
19904355090.0237% ***
19893596350.0303% ***
19883475990.0300% ***
19873854970.0255% ***
19863555330.0278% ***
19853854620.0241% ***
19843784660.0249% ***
19833784520.0243% ***
19824253870.0206% ***
19814094020.0216% ***
19804553400.0184% ***
19794822950.0165% ***
19784982630.0154% ***
19775072600.0152% ***
19765941870.0115% ***
19755522120.0131% ***
19745821860.0114% ***
19736141670.0104% ***
19726261580.0094% ***
19716341690.0093% ***
19706931430.0075% ***
19697541070.0059% ***
19687241070.0060% ***
1967769900.0051% ***
1966871700.0039% ***
1965776910.0048% ***
1964794900.0044% ***
1963788940.0046% ***
1962787940.0045% ***
1961791930.0043% ***
19607321110.0051% ***
19596991210.0056% ***
19586861210.0056% ***
19576791260.0058% ***
1956792880.0041% ***
1955759920.0044% ***
1954832760.0037% ***
1953857700.0035% ***
1952865660.0033% ***
1951867650.0034% ***
1950951530.0029% ***
1941968440.0035% ***
1938843550.0048% ***
1937886490.0045% ***
1933901480.0047% ***
1931916500.0047% ***
1927953530.0046% ***
1922936560.0050% ***
1918969480.0046% ***
1917926480.0050% ***
1910957120.0058% ***
190587590.0063% ***
190297870.0053% ***
189893870.0053% ***
189693670.0054% ***
189290670.0053% ***
188992760.0050% ***
188886970.0054% ***
188680770.0059% ***
188481670.0057% ***
1883505130.0116% ***
188289460.0049% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.