Baby Name Rankings of Jaquan

Jaquan: Statistics About The Baby Name Jaquan

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20109981940.0095% ***
20099322190.0104% ***
20088062680.0125% ***
20077702810.0129% ***
20066563440.0160% ***
20056163540.0170% ***
20044964890.0235% ***
20035823760.0180% ***
20024844750.0231% ***
20014645120.0248% ***
20004455350.0257% ***
19994165650.0278% ***
19984255440.0269% ***
19974315240.0263% ***
19964495020.0251% ***
19954515020.0250% ***
19944265350.0263% ***
19935333720.0180% ***
19925853070.0146% ***
19916052810.0133% ***
19907551830.0085% ***
19898051510.0072% ***
19888841160.0058% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.