Baby Name Rankings of Janiya

Janiya: Statistics About The Baby Name Janiya

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2015*** 9932690.0139%
2014*** 8483230.0167%
2013*** 7903420.0179%
2012*** 6634210.0219%
2011*** 5395360.0279%
2010*** 4476820.0351%
2009*** 3858230.0411%
2008*** 3599060.0441%
2007*** 3698740.0419%
2006*** 3868260.0402%
2005*** 3708320.0418%
2004*** 3688360.0421%
2003*** 5485050.0253%
2002*** 5964330.0220%
2001*** 7193380.0171%
2000*** 9542220.0112%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.