Baby Name Rankings of Janine

Janine: Statistics About The Baby Name Janine

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1994*** 9591930.0099%
1993*** 8022500.0127%
1992*** 7372880.0144%
1991*** 7362820.0139%
1990*** 6613360.0164%
1989*** 6393290.0165%
1988*** 5643660.0191%
1987*** 5793420.0183%
1986*** 5423750.0204%
1985*** 4844250.0231%
1984*** 4205080.0282%
1983*** 4025390.0302%
1982*** 4075610.0310%
1981*** 4294940.0277%
1980*** 4275060.0285%
1979*** 4105250.0305%
1978*** 4174840.0295%
1977*** 4224790.0292%
1976*** 4104930.0314%
1975*** 4114900.0314%
1974*** 3835420.0346%
1973*** 3645860.0377%
1972*** 3675910.0367%
1971*** 3218300.0474%
1970*** 2791,0470.0572%
1969*** 3038970.0509%
1968*** 2958800.0515%
1967*** 2601,0550.0615%
1966*** 2381,2400.0707%
1965*** 2321,3570.0743%
1964*** 2511,2410.0634%
1963*** 2611,1340.0571%
1962*** 2461,2910.0637%
1961*** 2431,2830.0618%
1960*** 2311,3800.0664%
1959*** 3407750.0373%
1958*** 4444600.0223%
1957*** 3765810.0277%
1956*** 3635770.0280%
1955*** 3147450.0372%
1954*** 2978130.0408%
1953*** 3116940.0360%
1952*** 3465640.0297%
1951*** 4004190.0227%
1950*** 4463270.0186%
1949*** 5082570.0147%
1948*** 4852760.0159%
1947*** 4802930.0161%
1946*** 5851880.0117%
1945*** 774930.0069%
1943*** 993640.0045%
1939*** 953550.0049%
1938*** 937580.0051%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.