Baby Name Rankings of Jamison

Jamison: Statistics About The Baby Name Jamison

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20236604130.0226% ***
20225904820.0259% ***
20215225560.0299% ***
20204806180.0335% ***
20194356980.0366% ***
20184476690.0347% ***
20174347050.0359% ***
20164546780.0336% ***
20154476800.0335% ***
20144406850.0337% ***
20134606060.0303% ***
20124985300.0264% ***
20114955220.0259% ***
20104985150.0253% ***
20095464760.0227% ***
20085265030.0234% ***
20075025180.0238% ***
20065344640.0215% ***
20055554250.0204% ***
20045763840.0185% ***
20035863740.0179% ***
20026452970.0144% ***
20016023240.0157% ***
20006292900.0139% ***
19996532650.0130% ***
19985993090.0153% ***
19976672450.0123% ***
19967192180.0109% ***
19957062250.0112% ***
19946692410.0118% ***
19936572450.0119% ***
19926522520.0120% ***
19916092790.0132% ***
19906622320.0108% ***
19896402450.0117% ***
19886092400.0120% ***
19876022260.0116% ***
19865592530.0132% ***
19855322660.0138% ***
19845632300.0123% ***
19836261850.0099% ***
19826441800.0096% ***
19816341790.0096% ***
19806421830.0099% ***
19795762180.0122% ***
19786331730.0101% ***
19775932010.0118% ***
19764872650.0163% ***
19754812770.0171% ***
19744213460.0213% ***
19734113620.0225% ***
19725292250.0135% ***
19716251750.0096% ***
19705801940.0102% ***
19697131200.0066% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.