Baby Name Rankings of Jaimie

Jaimie: Statistics About The Baby Name Jaimie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1995*** 9791920.0100%
1994*** 7842600.0134%
1993*** 6483440.0175%
1992*** 6263620.0181%
1991*** 5114540.0224%
1990*** 5064750.0232%
1989*** 4415530.0278%
1988*** 3996000.0313%
1987*** 3546680.0357%
1986*** 4235130.0278%
1985*** 8271960.0106%
1984*** 9431540.0086%
1983*** 8291850.0104%
1982*** 8251900.0105%
1981*** 7262280.0128%
1980*** 7092390.0134%
1979*** 5963020.0175%
1978*** 5703020.0184%
1977*** 4674190.0255%
1976*** 4314640.0295%
1964808870.0043% ***
1963822850.0041% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.