Baby Name Rankings of Jaidyn

Jaidyn: Statistics About The Baby Name Jaidyn

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20129762040.0102% ***
20118732380.0118% 9062850.0148%
20108732370.0117% 7883450.0178%
20098072730.0130% 6404600.0230%
20088022690.0125% 5655370.0261%
20078412470.0113% 5615350.0257%
2006*** 5864900.0238%
20059411820.0087% 6004650.0233%
20048102180.0105% 7213650.0184%
2003*** 8462870.0144%
2002*** 8392750.0140%
2001*** 9922160.0109%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.