Baby Name Rankings of Jagger

Jagger: Statistics About The Baby Name Jagger

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20238542810.0153% ***
20227843210.0172% ***
20217713210.0173% ***
20207193440.0187% ***
20196663910.0205% ***
20187153330.0173% ***
20176623820.0195% ***
20166164350.0216% ***
20156573890.0192% ***
20147053420.0168% ***
20136983370.0168% ***
20125574640.0231% ***
20116403620.0180% ***
20107622910.0143% ***
20097642940.0140% ***
20089542080.0097% ***
20079692000.0092% ***
20037682280.0109% ***
20026512880.0140% ***
20016612760.0134% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.