Baby Name Rankings of Jaelyn

Jaelyn: Statistics About The Baby Name Jaelyn

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2019*** 9702680.0147%
2018*** 8293250.0176%
2017*** 7173980.0212%
2016*** 6114890.0254%
2015*** 6014860.0251%
2014*** 6414420.0228%
2013*** 5804930.0258%
2012*** 4716470.0337%
2011*** 4177520.0392%
2010*** 3688550.0440%
2009*** 3479330.0466%
2008*** 3301,0050.0489%
2007*** 3608880.0426%
2006*** 4427120.0346%
2005*** 5005990.0301%
2004*** 5045700.0287%
2003*** 5345270.0264%
2002*** 5345080.0258%
2001*** 5624600.0233%
2000*** 6164110.0207%
1999*** 7163160.0163%
1998*** 9012340.0121%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.