Baby Name Rankings of Jacques

Jacques: Statistics About The Baby Name Jacques

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19989141570.0078% ***
19978851560.0078% ***
19969401380.0069% ***
19958991490.0074% ***
19949521340.0066% ***
19938631510.0073% ***
19928921400.0067% ***
19918291540.0073% ***
19907971630.0076% ***
19898651350.0064% ***
19887821460.0073% ***
19877871370.0070% ***
19868091250.0065% ***
19857361440.0075% ***
19847601300.0069% ***
19838211130.0061% ***
19828061200.0064% ***
19817381380.0074% ***
19807281450.0078% ***
19797671280.0072% ***
19788271070.0063% ***
19778191080.0063% ***
19768241030.0063% ***
19757651170.0072% ***
19747291240.0076% ***
19736321570.0097% ***
19726381540.0092% ***
19716641540.0085% ***
19706601530.0080% ***
19696021690.0092% ***
19686541340.0076% ***
19677291030.0058% ***
19667141080.0059% ***
19656611260.0067% ***
19647431070.0053% ***
19636601400.0068% ***
19627661000.0048% ***
19616851250.0058% ***
19607461070.0049% ***
19597481040.0048% ***
1958853780.0036% ***
1957759980.0045% ***
1956896690.0032% ***
1955779870.0042% ***
1954776850.0041% ***
1953817770.0039% ***
1952907610.0031% ***
1951822730.0038% ***
1950912570.0031% ***
1949943540.0030% ***
1948975510.0029% ***
1947857660.0036% ***
1924979520.0045% ***
189893770.0053% ***
189593470.0055% ***
188898260.0046% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.