Baby Name Rankings of Jacoby

Jacoby: Statistics About The Baby Name Jacoby

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20218872590.0139% ***
20209132440.0132% ***
20198712510.0132% ***
20188442610.0135% ***
20177842970.0151% ***
20167343320.0165% ***
20156553920.0193% ***
20145934610.0227% ***
20134875590.0279% ***
20125234950.0246% ***
20114875370.0267% ***
20104735430.0267% ***
20094446230.0297% ***
20084236840.0318% ***
20076203880.0178% ***
20069092070.0096% ***
20058971980.0095% ***
20048192150.0103% ***
20037552330.0112% ***
20027652240.0109% ***
20017312370.0115% ***
20008241940.0093% ***
19998591750.0086% ***
19987632080.0103% ***
19979511410.0071% ***
19968671590.0079% ***
19958901520.0076% ***
19948231670.0082% ***
19937571900.0092% ***
19927282010.0096% ***
19918511500.0071% ***
19909081290.0060% ***
19899401170.0056% ***
19889181080.0054% ***
1987991920.0047% ***
1986952920.0048% ***
1983917930.0050% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.