Baby Name Rankings of Jaclyn

Jaclyn: Statistics About The Baby Name Jaclyn

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2007*** 9452820.0135%
2006*** 8603060.0149%
2005*** 6943910.0196%
2004*** 6724010.0202%
2003*** 5924610.0231%
2002*** 5305150.0262%
2001*** 4825760.0292%
2000*** 4526130.0308%
1999*** 4296440.0332%
1998*** 3917030.0363%
1997*** 3577710.0405%
1996*** 3049380.0490%
1995*** 2561,0880.0567%
1994*** 2231,2580.0646%
1993*** 1961,4980.0761%
1992*** 1711,7730.0886%
1991*** 1611,8250.0898%
1990*** 1432,1520.1049%
1989*** 1382,2170.1114%
1988*** 1152,4930.1300%
1987*** 1162,4010.1283%
1986*** 1332,1050.1143%
1985*** 1222,3840.1293%
1984*** 1332,1670.1204%
1983*** 1262,3860.1335%
1982*** 1412,1390.1181%
1981*** 1581,8080.1013%
1980*** 1681,6920.0952%
1979*** 1242,3020.1337%
1978*** 1312,1280.1296%
1977*** 1481,9380.1179%
1976*** 5393240.0206%
1953*** 9471000.0052%
1950*** 984860.0049%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.