Baby Name Rankings of Jabari

Jabari: Statistics About The Baby Name Jabari

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20239222490.0136% ***
20219342400.0129% ***
20209522300.0125% ***
20198972420.0127% ***
20188482590.0134% ***
20179372210.0113% ***
20169162340.0116% ***
20159452190.0108% ***
20129102250.0112% ***
20119142180.0108% ***
20108632410.0119% ***
20098762370.0113% ***
20087712830.0132% ***
20076253850.0177% ***
20066093850.0179% ***
20056253460.0166% ***
20046133430.0165% ***
20036193310.0159% ***
20027062520.0122% ***
20017902130.0103% ***
20008471880.0090% ***
19998511780.0088% ***
19989161560.0077% ***
19977931860.0093% ***
19968251740.0087% ***
19958381650.0082% ***
19947691880.0092% ***
19937012190.0106% ***
19927361960.0094% ***
19918251570.0074% ***
19909071290.0060% ***
19898991270.0061% ***
19851000830.0043% ***
1983949860.0046% ***
1981939910.0049% ***
1980934910.0049% ***
19798201130.0063% ***
19788601000.0059% ***
1977929840.0049% ***
1976924820.0050% ***
1975975710.0044% ***
1974916790.0049% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.