Baby Name Rankings of Izaiah

Izaiah: Statistics About The Baby Name Izaiah

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20235814910.0268% ***
20225395480.0294% ***
20215555080.0273% ***
20204895980.0324% ***
20195555050.0265% ***
20185195420.0281% ***
20175554890.0249% ***
20165535180.0257% ***
20155355270.0260% ***
20144596330.0312% ***
20134476340.0317% ***
20123997230.0360% ***
20113907210.0358% ***
20104006960.0342% ***
20093987410.0354% ***
20084286670.0310% ***
20074406240.0286% ***
20064615790.0269% ***
20054685320.0255% ***
20045404320.0208% ***
20035434190.0201% ***
20025643930.0191% ***
20015953320.0161% ***
20006592730.0131% ***
19997712060.0101% ***
19988531710.0085% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.