Baby Name Rankings of Ivette

Ivette: Statistics About The Baby Name Ivette

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2001*** 9542310.0117%
1996*** 9542020.0106%
1995*** 8992100.0109%
1994*** 8482350.0121%
1993*** 8652240.0114%
1992*** 6493440.0172%
1991*** 5684090.0201%
1990*** 8592290.0112%
1989*** 9191970.0099%
1988*** 9851670.0087%
1976*** 8761520.0097%
1975*** 7292010.0129%
1974*** 8451560.0100%
1973*** 8061620.0104%
1972*** 7042060.0128%
1971*** 6752290.0131%
1970*** 6972250.0123%
1969*** 7341900.0108%
1968*** 7191840.0108%
1967*** 7111890.0110%
1966*** 6742070.0118%
1965*** 7321850.0101%
1964*** 6592400.0123%
1963*** 6692280.0115%
1962*** 7831760.0087%
1961*** 7411970.0095%
1960*** 8281580.0076%
1959*** 9121310.0063%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.