Baby Name Rankings of Iva

Iva: Statistics About The Baby Name Iva

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1961*** 8821470.0071%
1960*** 9001370.0066%
1959*** 8671410.0068%
1958*** 8361480.0072%
1957*** 7421800.0086%
1956*** 6821990.0097%
1955*** 6761920.0096%
1954*** 6392060.0104%
1953*** 6212040.0106%
1952*** 6082050.0108%
1951*** 5872140.0116%
1950*** 5822080.0118%
1949*** 5422360.0135%
1948*** 5242480.0142%
1947*** 5032680.0148%
1946*** 5092390.0148%
1945*** 4472550.0189%
1944*** 4562540.0186%
1943*** 4332890.0202%
1942*** 3913330.0239%
1941*** 3913090.0248%
1940*** 3283780.0320%
1939*** 3103930.0347%
1938*** 3263730.0327%
1937*** 3064110.0373%
1936*** 2864460.0414%
1935*** 2854570.0421%
1934*** 2735060.0468%
1933*** 2665320.0509%
1932*** 2705410.0489%
1931*** 2725240.0475%
1930*** 2546010.0516%
1929*** 2466460.0558%
1928*** 2516420.0538%
1927*** 2477020.0568%
1926*** 2467120.0579%
1925*** 2447370.0584%
1924*** 2417600.0587%
1923*** 2377580.0605%
1922*** 2367590.0609%
1921*** 2327840.0613%
1920*** 2228610.0692%
1919*** 2138600.0732%
1918*** 2108930.0743%
1917*** 2068550.0761%
1916*** 2068430.0777%
1915*** 1908770.0857%
1914*** 2076180.0778%
1913*** 1915760.0882%
1912*** 1795480.0937%
1911*** 1803940.0895%
1910*** 1684060.0970%
1909*** 1623990.1086%
1908*** 1604180.1181%
1907*** 1583990.1183%
1906*** 1494000.1277%
1905*** 1424220.1362%
1904*** 1384240.1450%
1903*** 1393980.1431%
1902*** 1274380.1562%
1901*** 1204270.1680%
1900*** 1314830.1519%
1899*** 1134320.1745%
189884780.0061% 1194510.1645%
1897*** 1144540.1829%
1896*** 1124340.1722%
1895*** 1144350.1760%
1894*** 1114240.1797%
189379980.0066% 1163840.1705%
1892*** 1143940.1752%
1891*** 1163410.1735%
1890*** 1133540.1755%
188984470.0059% 1173210.1696%
1888*** 1223020.1594%
1887*** 1192530.1628%
1886*** 1212370.1541%
1885*** 1162290.1613%
188481570.0057% 1192130.1548%
188396850.0044% 1231700.1416%
1882*** 1331340.1158%
1881*** 1301220.1234%
1880*** 1291270.1301%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.