Baby Name Rankings of Isidro

Isidro: Statistics About The Baby Name Isidro

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20009461600.0077% ***
19989571450.0072% ***
19979301450.0073% ***
19959911260.0063% ***
19949061450.0071% ***
19939261350.0065% ***
19929321310.0063% ***
19918871420.0067% ***
19909131270.0059% ***
19898611360.0065% ***
19888901150.0058% ***
19878751140.0059% ***
19868611110.0058% ***
19858381150.0060% ***
19847891210.0065% ***
1983928900.0048% ***
19828851020.0054% ***
19818071170.0063% ***
1980927920.0050% ***
19798731000.0056% ***
1978955820.0048% ***
1976923820.0050% ***
1975990690.0043% ***
1974929770.0047% ***
1973974690.0043% ***
1970949710.0037% ***
1965997550.0029% ***
1964908700.0035% ***
1963993580.0028% ***
1962934660.0031% ***
1959985610.0028% ***
1952935580.0029% ***
1950868620.0034% ***
1949996490.0027% ***
1948822690.0039% ***
1946970480.0029% ***
1945954460.0034% ***
1944951460.0033% ***
1942895550.0039% ***
1940919480.0040% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.