Baby Name Rankings of Isaias

Isaias: Statistics About The Baby Name Isaias

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20234407000.0382% ***
20224546740.0362% ***
20214895970.0321% ***
20204716300.0342% ***
20194945780.0303% ***
20185105480.0284% ***
20175465060.0258% ***
20165385400.0268% ***
20155455190.0256% ***
20145474980.0245% ***
20135364930.0246% ***
20125125110.0254% ***
20115334730.0235% ***
20104915250.0258% ***
20094825590.0267% ***
20084965450.0253% ***
20075085140.0236% ***
20065314690.0218% ***
20055134690.0225% ***
20045024800.0231% ***
20035743820.0183% ***
20025513990.0194% ***
20015194320.0210% ***
20005663630.0174% ***
19995853320.0163% ***
19985793380.0167% ***
19976492530.0127% ***
19966122880.0144% ***
19956862380.0118% ***
19947531950.0096% ***
19937531910.0093% ***
19927831780.0085% ***
19918031650.0078% ***
19908111570.0073% ***
19898321440.0069% ***
19889041120.0056% ***
1987975940.0048% ***
19869161000.0052% ***
1985939940.0049% ***
1984885970.0052% ***
1983948860.0046% ***
1982945900.0048% ***
1981994830.0045% ***
1980996820.0044% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.