Baby Name Rankings of Isai

Isai: Statistics About The Baby Name Isai

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20129472120.0105% ***
20118742370.0118% ***
20108652400.0118% ***
20098172680.0128% ***
20087343080.0143% ***
20076973290.0151% ***
20067063050.0141% ***
20057312710.0130% ***
20046952740.0132% ***
20037402420.0116% ***
20027242440.0119% ***
20018072060.0100% ***
20009381610.0077% ***
19998431790.0088% ***
19989621440.0071% ***
19979501410.0071% ***
19968991480.0074% ***
19959821280.0064% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.