Baby Name Rankings of Isabelle

Isabelle: Statistics About The Baby Name Isabelle

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 1591,7850.1020%
2022*** 1372,0920.1172%
2021*** 1172,3680.1331%
2020*** 1212,2420.1272%
2019*** 1172,4890.1365%
2018*** 1132,6400.1430%
2017*** 923,1450.1677%
2016*** 1033,0250.1569%
2015*** 943,1980.1653%
2014*** 963,0440.1570%
2013*** 1152,7290.1429%
2012*** 1262,4830.1292%
2011*** 1142,6430.1376%
2010*** 1052,8810.1484%
2009*** 1003,2790.1638%
2008*** 933,5370.1721%
2007*** 794,0460.1941%
2006*** 853,9770.1934%
2005*** 963,2200.1616%
2004*** 1073,0650.1543%
2003*** 1093,0910.1550%
2002*** 1113,0570.1555%
2001*** 1132,9400.1490%
2000*** 1442,3350.1174%
1999*** 1621,9500.1004%
1998*** 1961,5900.0822%
1997*** 2511,1630.0610%
1996*** 3707250.0379%
1995*** 4885060.0264%
1994*** 5484420.0227%
1993*** 7452780.0141%
1992*** 8392380.0119%
1991*** 9841910.0094%
1954*** 985980.0049%
1953*** 8951100.0057%
1952*** 8671140.0060%
1951*** 8121210.0066%
1950*** 8711040.0059%
1949*** 8251130.0064%
1948*** 7661240.0071%
1947*** 6871500.0083%
1946*** 7261240.0077%
1945*** 6421310.0097%
1944*** 6011490.0109%
1943*** 5961590.0111%
1942*** 5611750.0126%
1941*** 5561580.0127%
1940*** 5061870.0158%
1939*** 5481500.0132%
1938*** 5351620.0142%
1937*** 4921780.0162%
1936*** 4322250.0209%
1935*** 4102510.0231%
1934*** 3922720.0251%
1933*** 3433300.0316%
1932*** 3333640.0329%
1931*** 3223890.0353%
1930*** 3164370.0375%
1929*** 2934960.0429%
1928*** 2825330.0446%
1927*** 2755710.0462%
1926*** 2656350.0517%
1925*** 2507070.0560%
1924*** 2407600.0587%
1923*** 2437240.0578%
1922*** 2307930.0636%
1921*** 2208470.0662%
1920*** 2138990.0723%
1919*** 2108860.0754%
1918*** 2138850.0736%
1917*** 1909820.0874%
1916*** 1939260.0853%
1915*** 1779420.0921%
1914*** 1817330.0922%
1913*** 1866050.0926%
1912*** 1895160.0882%
1911*** 1913760.0854%
1910*** 1773880.0927%
1909*** 1813250.0885%
1908*** 1853070.0867%
1907*** 1882900.0860%
1906*** 1802780.0888%
1905*** 1912530.0817%
1904*** 2022230.0763%
1903*** 1972130.0766%
1902*** 2072040.0728%
1901*** 2071940.0763%
1900*** 2102240.0704%
1899*** 2051810.0731%
1898*** 1952210.0806%
1897*** 1842150.0866%
1896*** 2081800.0714%
1895*** 1902050.0830%
1894*** 1931840.0780%
1893*** 1772050.0910%
1892*** 1732130.0947%
1891*** 2061300.0661%
1890*** 1891560.0774%
1889*** 1911410.0745%
1888*** 1821530.0808%
1887*** 1951080.0695%
1886*** 1701360.0885%
1885*** 1821050.0740%
1884*** 1651150.0836%
1883*** 176910.0758%
1882*** 176810.0700%
1881*** 164820.0829%
1880*** 164800.0820%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.