Baby Name Rankings of Ingrid

Ingrid: Statistics About The Baby Name Ingrid

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2019*** 9732660.0146%
2018*** 9882640.0143%
2017*** 9322810.0150%
2016*** 8713210.0166%
2015*** 9572810.0145%
2014*** 9242890.0149%
2013*** 8932850.0149%
2012*** 9082850.0148%
2011*** 8563050.0159%
2010*** 7703510.0181%
2009*** 7983520.0176%
2008*** 5455560.0271%
2007*** 6264690.0225%
2006*** 6194620.0225%
2005*** 6434260.0214%
2004*** 6224330.0218%
2003*** 6963740.0188%
2002*** 7233380.0172%
2001*** 7323280.0166%
2000*** 8552570.0129%
1999*** 8572520.0130%
1998*** 8962350.0121%
1997*** 8612360.0124%
1996*** 8022560.0134%
1995*** 8252380.0124%
1994*** 7612710.0139%
1993*** 7312890.0147%
1992*** 7083040.0152%
1991*** 8392410.0119%
1990*** 7372830.0138%
1989*** 7692530.0127%
1988*** 8662030.0106%
1987*** 7852250.0120%
1986*** 7222460.0134%
1985*** 7882120.0115%
1984*** 6832470.0137%
1983*** 6372680.0150%
1982*** 6602690.0149%
1981*** 6392770.0155%
1980*** 6362850.0160%
1979*** 6722560.0149%
1978*** 6782350.0143%
1977*** 5703060.0186%
1976*** 5263360.0214%
1975*** 5083520.0226%
1974*** 4883600.0230%
1973*** 4723830.0247%
1972*** 4164680.0290%
1971*** 4185060.0289%
1970*** 4255220.0285%
1969*** 4414780.0271%
1968*** 4334830.0283%
1967*** 3825730.0334%
1966*** 4045240.0299%
1965*** 4204940.0270%
1964*** 4255310.0271%
1963*** 4484650.0234%
1962*** 4694210.0208%
1961*** 4734230.0204%
1960*** 4604540.0218%
1959*** 4634330.0208%
1958*** 4963740.0181%
1957*** 5043550.0169%
1956*** 5902580.0125%
1955*** 6212240.0112%
1954*** 6142170.0109%
1953*** 5932220.0115%
1952*** 6072050.0108%
1951*** 6771680.0091%
1950*** 7341360.0077%
1949*** 5182490.0142%
1948*** 5222500.0144%
1947*** 4613170.0175%
1946*** 4562910.0181%
1945*** 5491780.0132%
1944*** 5401780.0130%
1943*** 5711770.0124%
1942*** 782950.0068%
1941*** 731940.0076%
1940*** 893640.0054%
1935*** 950540.0050%
1929*** 947580.0050%
1916*** 972500.0046%
1913*** 933330.0051%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.