Baby Name Rankings of Ina

Ina: Statistics About The Baby Name Ina

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1966*** 8951260.0072%
1965*** 8771300.0071%
1964*** 9451240.0063%
1963*** 8971370.0069%
1962*** 8731450.0072%
1961*** 8661510.0073%
1960*** 8541480.0071%
1959*** 7731740.0084%
1958*** 7511760.0085%
1957*** 7551750.0083%
1956*** 6332270.0110%
1955*** 6452080.0104%
1954*** 5792430.0122%
1953*** 5802350.0122%
1952*** 5282600.0137%
1951*** 5332460.0133%
1950*** 4942660.0151%
1949*** 4183510.0200%
1948*** 4393260.0187%
1947*** 4293580.0197%
1946*** 4153390.0211%
1945*** 3813440.0256%
1944*** 3803440.0252%
1943*** 3324470.0312%
1942*** 3374270.0307%
1941*** 3244080.0328%
1940*** 3074230.0358%
1939*** 2894660.0411%
1938*** 2844870.0427%
1937*** 2765140.0467%
1936*** 2635310.0493%
1935*** 2665290.0487%
1934*** 2625700.0527%
1933*** 2645390.0516%
1932*** 2416550.0592%
1931*** 2456120.0555%
1930*** 2486260.0537%
1929*** 2316780.0586%
1928*** 2616130.0513%
1927*** 2656220.0503%
1926*** 2536750.0549%
1925*** 2457340.0581%
1924*** 2507000.0540%
1923*** 2596190.0494%
1922*** 2486880.0552%
1921*** 2427440.0582%
1920*** 2516860.0552%
1919*** 2387100.0605%
1918*** 2407090.0590%
1917*** 2386890.0613%
1916*** 2386710.0618%
1915*** 2237060.0690%
1914*** 2394950.0623%
1913*** 2214660.0714%
1912*** 2194170.0713%
1911*** 2263040.0690%
1910*** 2172950.0705%
1909*** 2012850.0776%
1908*** 1892980.0842%
1907*** 1892890.0857%
1906*** 1892620.0836%
1905*** 1792830.0914%
1904*** 1972290.0783%
1903*** 1812560.0920%
1902*** 1942240.0799%
1901*** 1772490.0979%
1900*** 1832880.0905%
1899*** 1762430.0982%
1898*** 1682970.1083%
1897*** 1702620.1055%
1896*** 1772380.0944%
1895*** 1792200.0890%
1894*** 1662420.1025%
1893*** 1582480.1101%
1892*** 1712160.0960%
1891*** 1582160.1099%
1890*** 1652150.1066%
1889*** 1502090.1104%
1888*** 1532060.1087%
1887*** 1451780.1145%
1886*** 1571490.0969%
1885*** 1641260.0888%
1884*** 1541340.0974%
1883*** 1581130.0941%
1882*** 1571040.0899%
1881*** 1451080.1092%
1880*** 167790.0809%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.