Baby Name Rankings of Imelda

Imelda: Statistics About The Baby Name Imelda

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1978*** 9451490.0091%
1977*** 9881380.0084%
1976*** 9351370.0087%
1975*** 9321370.0088%
1974*** 9681270.0081%
1973*** 9451280.0082%
1971*** 9261400.0080%
1938*** 893630.0055%
1936*** 983490.0045%
1932*** 999500.0045%
1931*** 987500.0045%
1930*** 872680.0058%
1929*** 995530.0046%
1928*** 801800.0067%
1927*** 939640.0052%
1926*** 882710.0058%
1923*** 959600.0048%
1921*** 948610.0048%
1919*** 910600.0051%
1918*** 953570.0047%
1917*** 837670.0060%
1916*** 860630.0058%
1915*** 886550.0054%
1914*** 881440.0055%
1913*** 903350.0054%
1912*** 987270.0046%
1911*** 770320.0073%
1909*** 946190.0052%
1901*** 869150.0059%
1898*** 985130.0047%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.