Baby Name Rankings of Ike

Ike: Statistics About The Baby Name Ike

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1957873750.0034% ***
1956895690.0032% ***
1955838770.0037% ***
1954831760.0037% ***
19536831090.0055% ***
1952732920.0047% ***
1951908600.0032% ***
1950935550.0030% ***
1949850650.0036% ***
1948855640.0036% ***
1947856660.0036% ***
1946863580.0035% ***
1945840560.0041% ***
1943837620.0043% ***
1941921480.0038% ***
1939964430.0038% ***
1936987410.0039% ***
1935934460.0043% ***
1934913480.0045% ***
1933842540.0053% ***
19321000440.0041% ***
1931867540.0051% ***
1930861590.0052% ***
1929819630.0057% ***
1928850610.0054% ***
1927842640.0055% ***
1926831640.0056% ***
1925804680.0059% ***
1924781740.0063% ***
1923796700.0062% ***
1922804700.0062% ***
1921748790.0069% ***
1920686870.0079% ***
1919669860.0085% ***
1918746750.0071% ***
1917633880.0092% ***
1916614910.0099% ***
1915703700.0079% ***
1914591730.0107% ***
1913623510.0095% ***
1912570500.0111% ***
1911474380.0158% ***
1910367490.0235% ***
1909334480.0272% ***
1908370390.0235% ***
1907310470.0297% ***
1906434260.0180% ***
1905291470.0328% ***
1904259550.0397% ***
1903404240.0186% ***
1902300410.0309% ***
1901366260.0225% ***
1900253650.0400% ***
1899241480.0417% ***
1898262470.0356% ***
1897286400.0328% ***
1896248540.0418% ***
1895268440.0347% ***
1894276410.0328% ***
1893303330.0273% ***
1892250510.0388% ***
1891245420.0384% ***
1890244480.0401% ***
1889226520.0437% ***
1888239530.0408% ***
1887242440.0402% ***
1886248480.0403% ***
1885260410.0354% ***
1884184760.0619% ***
1883219500.0444% ***
1882191670.0549% ***
1881205550.0508% ***
1880259420.0355% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.