Baby Name Rankings of Humberto

Humberto: Statistics About The Baby Name Humberto

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20108932290.0113% ***
20099032280.0109% ***
20088052680.0125% ***
20077612840.0130% ***
20066973100.0144% ***
20056912930.0140% ***
20046792920.0140% ***
20036233280.0157% ***
20025933470.0169% ***
20015633680.0179% ***
20005743520.0169% ***
19995563600.0177% ***
19985763390.0168% ***
19975313760.0189% ***
19965433540.0177% ***
19955313640.0181% ***
19945373610.0177% ***
19935233770.0183% ***
19925213780.0180% ***
19915233660.0173% ***
19905113740.0174% ***
19895852780.0133% ***
19885572720.0136% ***
19875362850.0146% ***
19865572540.0132% ***
19855712370.0123% ***
19845622320.0124% ***
19835822110.0113% ***
19825582360.0125% ***
19815792180.0117% ***
19805172700.0146% ***
19795932080.0116% ***
19785971960.0115% ***
19775692170.0127% ***
19765831970.0121% ***
19755801940.0120% ***
19745741960.0120% ***
19735811860.0115% ***
19726561490.0089% ***
19716691530.0084% ***
19706531570.0083% ***
19696761350.0074% ***
19686461370.0077% ***
19676981130.0064% ***
19666811200.0066% ***
19657041110.0059% ***
19646951240.0061% ***
19637271160.0056% ***
19627211140.0054% ***
19617011190.0055% ***
19607001260.0058% ***
19596811250.0058% ***
19586991140.0053% ***
19576711290.0059% ***
1956777910.0042% ***
19556911130.0054% ***
1954893690.0033% ***
1953733950.0048% ***
1952724940.0048% ***
1951745870.0046% ***
1950743850.0047% ***
1949745850.0047% ***
1948759790.0044% ***
19476681060.0057% ***
1946736790.0048% ***
1945793610.0045% ***
1944700790.0057% ***
1942788670.0048% ***
1941997420.0034% ***
1940918480.0040% ***
1939825550.0049% ***
1938773630.0055% ***
1936931440.0041% ***
1934945450.0042% ***
1933942450.0044% ***
1932908510.0048% ***
1931812600.0056% ***
1930898550.0049% ***
1929840610.0055% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.