Baby Name Rankings of Huey

Huey: Statistics About The Baby Name Huey

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1963896700.0034% ***
1962816870.0041% ***
1961817870.0040% ***
1960887740.0034% ***
1959842810.0037% ***
1958786900.0042% ***
19577421020.0047% ***
1956797870.0041% ***
1955778870.0042% ***
19546861100.0053% ***
1953807790.0040% ***
1952742900.0046% ***
1951775820.0043% ***
1950774780.0043% ***
1949725890.0050% ***
1948739830.0047% ***
1947794760.0041% ***
1946801690.0042% ***
1945771640.0047% ***
1944654900.0065% ***
1943760730.0050% ***
1942647970.0069% ***
1941609970.0077% ***
19405801050.0089% ***
19395171220.0108% ***
19384511640.0144% ***
19373742150.0197% ***
19362883510.0330% ***
19352374920.0461% ***
19344071850.0174% ***
19334461540.0151% ***
19324811410.0131% ***
19314401650.0155% ***
19304441760.0156% ***
19294261920.0174% ***
19284132120.0186% ***
19275841120.0097% ***
1926809670.0059% ***
1925917540.0047% ***
1924777750.0064% ***
1923795700.0062% ***
1922803700.0062% ***
1921922580.0051% ***
1920989490.0045% ***
1919949500.0049% ***
1914892380.0056% ***
1913978260.0049% ***
1912697380.0084% ***
1910767160.0077% ***
190796290.0057% ***
190688490.0062% ***
190596280.0056% ***
1903675120.0093% ***
189974990.0078% ***
189686080.0062% ***
189491070.0056% ***
189373190.0074% ***
189084670.0058% ***
188182460.0055% ***
188098050.0042% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.