Baby Name Rankings of Howell

Howell: Statistics About The Baby Name Howell

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1954961590.0029% ***
1952947570.0029% ***
1951907600.0032% ***
1950787760.0042% ***
1949936550.0031% ***
1948966520.0029% ***
1947879630.0034% ***
1946886550.0033% ***
1945889510.0037% ***
1944926480.0035% ***
1943816650.0045% ***
1942975470.0033% ***
1941848560.0045% ***
1940819590.0050% ***
1939723690.0061% ***
1938828560.0049% ***
1937791610.0056% ***
1936738670.0063% ***
1935842550.0051% ***
1934748670.0063% ***
1933777620.0061% ***
1932819610.0057% ***
1931817590.0055% ***
1930949510.0045% ***
1928859600.0053% ***
1927745780.0067% ***
1926733760.0066% ***
1925740780.0068% ***
1924756780.0067% ***
1923743780.0069% ***
1922862640.0057% ***
1921753780.0069% ***
1920671910.0083% ***
1919823630.0062% ***
1918805660.0063% ***
1917721730.0076% ***
1916718700.0076% ***
1915711690.0078% ***
1914684560.0082% ***
1913699430.0080% ***
1912845280.0062% ***
1911720200.0083% ***
1910900130.0062% ***
1909734150.0085% ***
1907840110.0069% ***
190696680.0056% ***
1905649140.0098% ***
190395970.0054% ***
190282390.0068% ***
1901705100.0086% ***
1900689140.0086% ***
1899564130.0113% ***
189884480.0061% ***
189775490.0074% ***
189680090.0070% ***
1895516160.0126% ***
1894578130.0104% ***
189276790.0068% ***
189166890.0082% ***
1890616110.0092% ***
188974980.0067% ***
188886570.0054% ***
188765490.0082% ***
188672580.0067% ***
188573580.0069% ***
1884558120.0098% ***
1883617100.0089% ***
1882589110.0090% ***
188182360.0055% ***
1880491140.0118% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.