Baby Name Rankings of Hollie

Hollie: Statistics About The Baby Name Hollie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1998*** 9992000.0103%
1997*** 8822290.0120%
1996*** 8152490.0130%
1995*** 7632650.0138%
1994*** 7542760.0142%
1993*** 6213630.0184%
1992*** 6643350.0167%
1991*** 5833940.0194%
1990*** 6093690.0180%
1989*** 5474140.0208%
1988*** 5054400.0229%
1987*** 5233910.0209%
1986*** 4684590.0249%
1985*** 3945700.0309%
1984*** 3546480.0360%
1983*** 3476540.0366%
1982*** 4185390.0298%
1981*** 4634620.0259%
1980*** 3865960.0335%
1979*** 3676190.0360%
1978*** 3585910.0360%
1977*** 3566190.0377%
1976*** 3655750.0366%
1975*** 3945170.0332%
1974*** 4154750.0303%
1973*** 4254590.0296%
1972*** 5323170.0197%
1971*** 5453300.0188%
1970*** 5693180.0174%
1969*** 6252530.0144%
1968*** 7541740.0102%
1967*** 8571390.0081%
1966*** 8031520.0087%
1965*** 8071510.0083%
1910801150.0072% ***
1909920110.0062% ***
1908766130.0078% ***
1906821100.0069% ***
1901661110.0095% ***
1900762120.0074% ***
1892620120.0091% ***
189180670.0064% ***
1889646100.0084% ***
188872190.0069% ***
1887*** 89580.0051%
188680270.0059% ***
1883616100.0089% ***
188086560.0051% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.