Baby Name Rankings of Holden

Holden: Statistics About The Baby Name Holden

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20232861,1710.0639% ***
20222831,2140.0651% ***
20212361,4920.0802% ***
20202271,6410.0890% ***
20192511,4500.0760% ***
20182161,7200.0892% ***
20172421,5180.0773% ***
20162701,3530.0671% ***
20152911,2460.0615% ***
20142921,2080.0595% ***
20132871,1980.0599% ***
20122961,1650.0580% ***
20112991,1030.0548% ***
20103161,0010.0492% ***
20093339460.0451% ***
20083588640.0402% ***
20073827930.0364% ***
20063847700.0357% ***
20053568220.0394% ***
20043707370.0354% ***
20034176130.0294% ***
20024136120.0297% ***
20014425470.0265% ***
20004515270.0253% ***
19994325410.0266% ***
19984165620.0278% ***
19974794510.0226% ***
19965663230.0161% ***
19955972990.0149% ***
19946052980.0146% ***
19936312670.0129% ***
19926932240.0107% ***
19916622340.0111% ***
19907561820.0085% ***
19898201460.0070% ***
19887921430.0072% ***
19879101070.0055% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.