Baby Name Rankings of Hilary

Hilary: Statistics About The Baby Name Hilary

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1993*** 6513420.0174%
1992*** 2331,1710.0585%
1991*** 2421,1480.0565%
1990*** 2321,2140.0592%
1989*** 2601,0290.0517%
1988*** 2619750.0508%
1987*** 2828710.0465%
1986*** 2739100.0494%
1985*** 2441,0530.0571%
1984*** 2738750.0486%
1983*** 3466550.0367%
1982*** 3816020.0332%
1981*** 3746230.0349%
1980*** 3267410.0417%
1979*** 2758830.0513%
1978*** 3057620.0464%
1977*** 3705790.0352%
1976*** 4454370.0278%
1975*** 4384510.0289%
1974*** 4454260.0272%
1973*** 4783750.0241%
1972*** 5153330.0207%
1971*** 5273480.0199%
1970*** 5363540.0193%
1969*** 5263460.0196%
1968*** 6062530.0148%
1967*** 6222340.0136%
1966*** 5932540.0145%
1965*** 6182480.0136%
1964*** 6342580.0132%
1963*** 6402500.0126%
1962*** 7361970.0097%
1961*** 7222070.0100%
1960*** 8131640.0079%
1959*** 8441460.0070%
1958*** 9051280.0062%
1957*** 7581740.0083%
1956*** 7781600.0078%
1955*** 8251370.0068%
1954*** 8861170.0059%
1953*** 8801140.0059%
1952*** 9261000.0053%
1951*** 8891030.0056%
1950*** 8431090.0062%
1949*** 964860.0049%
1931986450.0042% ***
1929978480.0043% ***
1924969530.0045% ***
1923985500.0044% ***
1918981470.0045% ***
1917987440.0046% ***
1912977220.0049% ***
190288880.0060% ***
189173380.0073% ***
188778770.0064% ***
188383760.0053% ***
188279570.0057% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.