Baby Name Rankings of Henery

Henery: Statistics About The Baby Name Henery

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1933915470.0046% ***
1932877530.0049% ***
1928840620.0054% ***
1927952530.0046% ***
1926957510.0045% ***
1922982520.0046% ***
1917986440.0046% ***
1914975330.0048% ***
1912923240.0053% ***
1911679220.0091% ***
1909918110.0062% ***
1908765130.0078% ***
1907681150.0095% ***
1906781110.0076% ***
1905767110.0077% ***
1904549170.0123% ***
1903512180.0139% ***
1902710110.0083% ***
190180880.0069% ***
1900501220.0135% ***
189981880.0069% ***
189877690.0068% ***
1896568140.0108% ***
1895720100.0079% ***
1894651110.0088% ***
1893676100.0083% ***
189290170.0053% ***
189180570.0064% ***
189069990.0075% ***
1889511140.0118% ***
1888673100.0077% ***
1887608100.0091% ***
1886561120.0101% ***
1885532130.0112% ***
1884557120.0098% ***
1883441170.0151% ***
1882524130.0107% ***
1881451150.0138% ***
188070980.0068% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.